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The France-Finland conference on the circular economy 2022

tiistai 17.5.2022 15h-17h30

From a circular economy to a circular society: a holistic approach towards a resilient and sustainable economy

Malminkatu 16 00100 HELSINKI

Why do we need to establish a new paradigm on circular economy in Europe? How holistic, interdisciplinary and intersectorial approaches could contribute to solve global challenges we are facing around sustainability? How can companies and territories enhance the loop closing? How local, traditional, and indigenous knowledge could help building a resilient society based on cooperation and reciprocity? This event brings together Franco-Finnish speakers and experts on the circular economy and sustainability science, coming from different research disciplines and different sectors.

The event is held in English and organised by Embassy of France to Finland, Institut Français of Finland, CERDI (CNRS/UCA), European Centre of Excellence on Sustainability and the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra.

The conference will be introduced by Agnès Cukierman Ambassador of France to Finland, Emma Kari, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change of Finland and Petri Peltonen, Under-Secretary of State from the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland.

The keynote will be delivered by Mathieu Leporini, researcher at the European Center of Excellence on Sustainability, on the theme “From a circular economy to a circular society: a holistic approach towards a resilient and sustainable economy

It will be followed by a panel discussion:
  • Kari Herlevi, Director, Circular Economy for Biodiversity – The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra
  • Susanna Lehvävirta, Research Director, Helsinki Institute of Sustainability Science – University of Helsinki
  • Petrus Kautto, Director, Programme for Sustainable Circular economy – Finnish Environment Institute Syke
  • Saara Alakorva and Teemu Loikkanen, Researchers – University of Lapland
  • Mira Jarkko, Project manager, cluster programme for Circular Economy – City of Helsinki
  • Anne Kaiser, Sustainability Manager – Saint-Gobain Finland Oy

The discussion will be moderated by Johanna Kohl, Director, Circular Bioeconomy Research Programme – Natural Resources Institute Finland Luke

The programme is available here

This conference is a World Circular Economy Forum Side event

The public seminar is free, but due to limited places, we kindly ask you to register in advance.