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Café scientifique on Green Chemistry and Catalysis

torstai 9.6.2022 17:00-19:00

What can bring Green Chemistry and Catalysis for a Sustainable Development on our planet?

Institut français de Finlande
yrjönkatu 36 00100 Helsinki

The Café Scientifique on Thursday 9 June at 5pm will receive the researcher Dominique Agustinfor a presentation on the theme: What can bring Green Chemistry and Catalysis for a Sustainable Development on our planet?

The goal of Sustainable Development is to alleviate the global warming and to perform a reasonable use of available resources on Earth. For that, chemists though about a new way to do Chemistry, called Green or Sustainable Chemistry. What is Green or Sustainable Chemistry? What are the principles? What are the different proposed solutions? Through a general presentation brightened up with research examples, Dominique Agustin will try to address those different issues.

Dominique Agustin

Dominique Agustin is Associate Professor. He teaches at Chemistry Department of Technological University Institute of the Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse 3) and conducts his research within the LAC2 research team at “Laboratoire de Chimie de Coordination” of CNRS. Teaching and Research are done in Castres (Tarn).
Since his first visit in 2011, Dominique Agustin comes regularly to Finland for academic interactions with Universities of Helsinki, Aalto, Turku and Åbo Akademi.
Within the frame of Sustainable Chemistry, his research concerns biomass valorisation using catalysed processes under clean and atom-economic conditions, as well as the reasoned use of resources within the context of a circular economy.
He is involved in science popularisation as the co-pilot of a series of scientific meetings in Castres (rencontres Exploreur – Sciences en circuit court) and as a speaker in several events as “Science Days”.
He is also dedicated to the French Scientific Community as Secretary of the Sustainable Chemistry Division of the French Chemical Society.