Sciences et universités

Webinar on wild bird populations

jeudi 11 février 2021 17:00

How do differences in birds phenotype and metabolism originate? From Finland to Antarctica


On the occasion of the International Day for Women and Girls in Science 2021, Nina Cossin-Sevrin will speak to us on February 11th at 5:00 p.m. about her thesis topic: How originate differences in birds’ phenotype and metabolism? From Finland to Antarctica. 

Biography of Nina Cossin-Sevrin 

I graduated in Ecophysiology, Ethology and Ecology in Strasbourg (France, 2019) and conducted my master’s thesis in the research team of Suvi Ruuskaken in the University of Turku. The laboratory focus is the contribution of non-genetic inheritance on phenotypic variation, in the context of extended evolutionary synthesis. During my master’s thesis project, I worked on the effects of prenatal hormones in great tits and their consequences on the growth and metabolic rates (early life and long-term effect). I started my PhD in January 2020 as a cotutellle thesis between the University of Turku and the University of Strasbourg. In this frame I have been granted a one-year PhD fellowship from the French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation. 

My research project’s aim is to better understand what are the determinants creating inter-individual differences in growth, metabolism and ageing on wild bird populations and their long-term consequences. To this end, I use 2 distinct species: a great tit population in Finland and a king penguin population in French Southern Territories (Crozet archipelago).