Science and universities

Webinar: Threats to our oceans – a global issue

Thursday, September 29, 2022 16:30

The 4 Nordic winners (FI, NO, SW, DK) of the FINA 2022 award present us with the issues at stake in ocean research to address today’s challenges.


Side-event of the 2022 European Researchers’ Night

Link to register

Organisation: Scientific departments of the French Institutes of Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.

Moderator: Stéphane Isoard, Head of Water and Marine Group, European Environment Agency


  • Rami El-Dairi, Marine Research center; Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE); Underwater noise pollution; Microplastic pollution, Finland
  • Anna Lunde Hermansson, Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences, Chalmers University of Technology; Shipping emissions, Sweden
  • Asal Peydaei, Department of Environmental Archaeology and Materials Science, National museum of Denmark; Plastic pollution, Denmark
  • Apostolos Tsiouvalas, The Norwegian Center for the Law of the Sea, University of Tromsø; Environmental threats, Norway


The French Institute Nordic Award (FINA) aims to promote cultural and scientific cooperation between France and the Nordic countries and to reward the outstanding achievements of young researchers in this field. The topic for the year 2022 is “Oceans”, while France held the One Ocean Summit in Brest, demonstrating its ambition to reaffirm and promote its maritime strategy. France and Nordic countries are resolutely turned towards the sea and carry ambitious programs for the preservation of the marine environment, the sustainable exploitation of ocean resources and concerted maritime spatial planning. In this context, FINA wishes to extend its commitment to marine research and promote the work of young Nordic researchers for the oceans. Four laureates from each Nordic country (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark) were awarded a mobility trip to Brest to discover the French marine scientific research and meet peers. 


16:30-16:35: Arrival of public

16:35-16:40: Welcome words

16:40-17:00: Presentation of each participant of the round-table (5min/ppl)

17:00-17:30: Round-table discussion

17:30-17:45: Q/A

17:45: Wrap up of the event