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Webinar: European Horizon Europe and ERASMUS+ programmes for Franco-Finnish cooperation on higher education and research

Tuesday the 26th of March, 2024 15:00-17.00 (UTC+2)

The French institute of Finland will organize a webinar to encourage French-Finnish scientific and higher education cooperation through Horizon Europe and ERASMUS+ programmes. This webinar is aimed at researchers, teachers and those responsible for developing international cooperation.


Each year, France and Finland implement a joint scientific and higher education mobility programme, Maupertuis.

The success of this pioneering programme reflects a high level of demand for similar projects. Furthermore, the type of projects covered by Maupertuis resonate with several Horizon Europe and ERASMUS+ project calls, such as the Marie Skłodowska Curie postdoctoral fellowships and ERASMUS+ doctoral mobility. These calls and others have their place in developing not only European cooperation, but also Franco-Finnish cooperation, as it will be detailed during the webinar.

The speakers of the webinar will focus on the project calls and schemes of Horizon Europe and ERASMUS+ programmes relevant to the development of bilateral cooperation between France and Finland in order to encourage their use. These opportunities will then be presented and illustrated by the testimonies of past year awardees of European mobility and scholarship programmes.

The webinar is aimed at researchers, teachers and those responsible for developing international cooperation. The webinar will take place in English on March 26, 2024, from 2 pm to 4pm (Paris time) / 3pm to 5 pm (Helsinki time).

Registration is free, but mandatory. Click here to register yourself.

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