Science and universities

Info Webinar and Matchmaking Event for French and Finnish VET providers

Wednesday the 19th of March, 2025 10.00-12.30 (UTC+2)

Are you a vocational education and training provider? Join our Info Webinar and Matchmaking Session to foster student and teacher mobility between France and Finland!

Mobility in vocational education is encouraged in order to simultaneously develop technical and cross-curricular skills (adaptability, intercultural communication, etc.), strengthen vocational integration and stimulate cooperation between establishments and companies on a European scale. These experiences abroad encourage cultural openness, improve the quality of training and attract more learners to the vocational route. They also help to forge a sense of European identity by facilitating the exchange of best practice and the harmonization of qualifications.

This event focuses on the mobility between Finland and France in two education domains: industry, engineering and technologies; and nature and environment (incl. farming).

In session 1, the organization of vocational education in France and Finland will be presented, as well as supporting tools (e.g.: Erasmus+). The session will feature testimonies from successful stories between France and Finland.

In session 2, participants will be divided into two groups, depending on their education domains of preference. The participants will learn from other participants’ experiences and brainstorm on the following questions:

  • What are the first steps of initiating a collaboration?
  • What are the main administrative or financial hurdles and how to overcome them?
  • How to motivate students and promote well being during their mobility?
  • What about language?
  • How to promote long-lasting collaboration?

Participants will then share feedback about their group session with all participants.

In session 3, the online platform b2match will be available from March 19 to March 26 for participants from Finland and France to book peer-to-peer meetings with their future partners (20’ slots).

Link to registration and to the matchmaking platform.

Full program: click here.
