Science and universities

Stress and Anxiety in the light of Neurosciences

Thursday the 27th of April, 2023 17:00-19:00

Café scientifique

Institut français de Finlande
yrjönkatu 36 00100 Helsinki

Why are some people stressed, or anxious? How can we explain that in the light of genetics and neuroscience? These are some of the questions Adrien Gigliotta and Malvina Millet will answer during this Café scientifique.

Anxiety disorders are the most common psychiatric disorder affecting 14% of the European population, resulting in significant health costs and deterioration in quality of life. With the COVID-19 pandemic, social isolation and loneliness have been reinforced, leading to an increase in the prevalence of these disorders.

In this context, Malvina and Adrien, specialised in neurosciences, will provide answers to important questions: What is anxiety? Why do some people develop anxiety disorders and not others? What are the risk factors? Is there a genetic origin to these disorders?

The two researchers will also explain how it is possible to study anxiety disorders in the laboratory using state-of-the-art research tools. They will present new hypotheses to explain the appearance of these psychiatric disorders for which there are still no effective treatments.

Adrien Gigliotta : Adrien holds a master’s degree in neuroscience from the University of Aix-Marseille and is a final year PhD student at the University of Helsinki. He focuses on the study of genetic and cellular mechanisms involved in the development of anxiety disorders caused by chronic stress.

Malvina Millet : Malvina is a master student in Neurosciences and holds a degree in physiology and human nutrition. She joined the laboratory for her end-of-master’s internship and also works on the study of genetic and cellular mechanisms involved in the development of anxiety disorders caused by chronic stress.

The intervention will be in English. It will be followed by an exchange with the public and by a gourmand session.

Free admission upon reservation