Science and universities

What is the role of nature for humans?

Thursday the 4th of May, 2023 16:30

On Thursday 4 May 2023 the Café Scientifique proposes to put into perspective the questions of the role of biodiversity and its links with Humans through the screening of the film Animal by Cyril Dion.

European School of Helsinki
Bulevardi 18 00120 Helsinki

The screening will be followed by a presentation in English by the researcher Thomas Merrien, who will analyse some of the points discussed in the film, questioning the role of Humans in nature conservation and the actions that can be taken to conserve nature. He will also discuss the notion of ecosystem services and shed light on the sixth extinction and the decline of biodiversity.

Please note that the film will be shown in French with English subtitles, that Thomas Merrien’s speech will be in English, but that the public is invited to ask questions in the language that is most comfortable for them, among French and English.

This Café Scientifique will take place at the European School of Helsinki (Bulevardi 18, 00120 Helsinki) from 16:30 to 19:00.

Thomas Merrien: AgroParisTech engineer in environmental science, he is currently doing his PhD at the University of Helsinki and the Natural History Museum of Finland where he is studying the evolution and geographical distribution of species in the past. His work aims to better understand where the biodiversity we see today came from. In particular, he seeks to study the role of geographical constraints during the evolution of species. To do this, he is developing a model for reconstructing the ancestral geographical areas of species. This model is based on mathematical tools as well as geographical distribution data and phylogenetic data, a sort of family tree of species.

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