Grants & scholarships Science and universities

French-Finnish PhD cotutelles

Call 2024 of Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation is open until November 30

The annual call of the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation is open to researchers in the framework of a French-Finnish PhD cotutelle program in disciplines supported by the Foundation: Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry and Medical Chemistry. This opportunity is open to candidates from both Finnish and French institutions.

A PhD cotutelle is a mechanism that promotes mobility among PhD candidates while encouraging scientific cooperation between France and Finland. Candidates conduct their research under the oversight of, and with guidance from, a dissertation adviser from each of the two countries.

The PhD cotutelle is funded in part by the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation: 24 000 euros to the student and 2 000 euros for travel costs per year for three to four years. The extra costs involved for the student from spending time in the French institution are covered with French funding.

Applications are made using the grant application system of the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation.

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