Mobility program Baltlantique


General information on the mobility program Baltlantique

Baltlantique is a school exchange program between the academic region Bordeaux in France and Finland.

It is a short exchange program of three weeks, based on reciprocity, which allows French and Finnish high school students to experience linguistic, cultural, and academic immersion. Each student goes to school with the paired-student and live in their family. Each Finnish student participating in the program is paired with a French student studying at the same level and they shall spend their time together.(50 people) 

Dates of the mobility program
  • 15 September to 5 October 2024:  The French students go to Finland. 
  • 6 October to 26 October 2024: The Finnish students go to France. 
Requirements for the application

Any student can apply under the following conditions: 

  • He/she has to be in high school 
  • He/she must have a B1 level in English (advanced intermediate) and an A2 level in French (lower intermediate) (recommended level).
  • He/she must be open-minded, autonomous, and responsible.
  • He/she must have their parent’s agreement.
  • He/she must have transmitted all the documents required on time.

Before you apply, it is recommended to consider the following elements:

  • It is recommended that applicants have no major difficulties in their studies, so that 3 weeks of absence will not perturbate their performance at school and the reintegration into their class will be as easy as possible.
  • Living in a host family, even for a short period of time, means to be part of the family life! The students are expected to arrive with an authentic open-mindedness, and the families are expected to accept cultural differences.
  • Attendance at school in the other country is mandatory. Students must be aware that they will spend 6 to 8 hours in class, taught in the language of the country. Since educational content is not comparable from one country to another, the teachers will have to find suitable follow-up solutions in order to ease the return and reintegration of the students.
Calendar 2024
  • 12 February 2024: call for application in France and in Finland. 
  • 2 May 2024: end of application period. 
  • 13 to 15 May: pairing of the French and Finnish students. 
  • 20 May week : contacts sent to each family: each student receives the contact details of his pair, and of the referent teacher in the host school. 
  • From 15 September 2024: the exchange begins. 
How to apply? 
  • To receive the application form, the teacher must send an email to indicating his name, his school and the program for which he wishes to register a student. The link will be sent only to the teacher. The student cannot apply alone. 
  • We will send you a link to the form to be filled out and the documents to be signed by the head of the school and the student’s family