
Webinar: Forces confuses, gardiens cosmiques – Arbres-mondes, entre imaginaires individuel et collectif

Thursday, June 10, 2021 17:30

In this webinar, Jean Arnaud will explain the processes of patrimonialization -or creation of heritage- of particular natural objects, like trees as an intercessor between humans and the forces of the forest.

Jean Arnaud is interested in the relationship between the life of plastic forms and the forms of the living. From one stage to the next one, the artistic project presented here consists in a visual narrative that engages memory and real history. But it is also a kind of travel diary guided by the chance of encounters. It begins in Ramatuelle, a village in the South of France, and ends, probably temporarily at this time point, in the region of Rovaniemi in Lapland. Overall, Confused Forces, cosmic guardians question the processes of patrimonialization -or creation of heritage- of particular natural objects. But from one place to another, the different exhibition mechanisms also implement the universality of the tree as an intercessor between humans and the forces of the forest.

Webinar in French

Short biography

Jean Arnaud lives and works in Marseille. Artist and professor in Plastic Arts at AMU (Aix-Marseille University) in the Arts department (Laboratoire d’Études en Sciences des Arts – LESA), he develops his research-action and collective arts/sciences projects between various artistic institutions and universities.

He recently co-produced “Sauver sa peau” (exhibition/conference on animal survival, Aix-en-Provence, 2018) and “Biomorphisme – Sensitive and conceptual approaches to the forms of the living” (Friche Belle de Mai, CNRS / AMU / IMERA, Marseille), a transdisciplinary arts/sciences program between 2016 and 2021. At LESA, he co-directs the “Images en tr@nsit” program.