
Mamie Jotax in Helsinki !

May the 4th - 7th, 2023

Mamie Jotax is a fictional character, a gentle grandmother from France who loves painting soundscapes.


Saxophone virtuosos Carmen and Camille join forces in this soundscape and tirelessly feed their imagination. They have drawn influences from all corners of the world, happily mixing genres from jazz to contemporary music and from folk music to free improvisation.

Carmen Lefrançois: alto, soprano and baritone saxophone, flute, vocals, compositions
Camille Maussion: soprano and tenor saxophone, vocals, compositions


4.5. Sibelius-Akatemia/ masterclass
5.5. Annantalo / Annantalon keväfestari
6.5. klo 19 Woodoo Music Club / Hardrock House, Roihuvuorentie 1
7.5. klo 17 kotikonsertti Pirkkolassa