
Hayoun Kwon & Tadashi Kawamata at 1st Helsinki Biennale

June the 12th - September the 26th, 2021

The first Helsinki Biennial will be held in the unique surroundings of Vallisaari Island 12.6.–26.9.2021.

Helsinki Biennial will present 40 international artists or groups of artists from both Finland and around the world. You can spot artworks outside along the cobbled path and inside historical buildings, gunpowder cellars and empty residential buildings. Amongst them, the French-korean artist Hayoun Kwon and French-japonese Tadashi Kawamata!

Tadashi Kawamata (b. 1953) builds appendages, like parasites, to existing buildings from scrap and other reclaimed materials. The artist wants to use his works to shape the public space. His subtle gestures and full-scale redefinitions provide us with new insights into the spaces that surround us. As the works refocus our attention, we may see things that have always been there for the first time.

Hayoun Kwon kiinnostaa rajojen absurdi luonne: rajat ovat aina ihmisten tekemiä ja ylläpitämiä. Geopoliittisten jännitteiden läpileikkaama ja poliittisen propagandan kyllästämä demilitarisoitu vyöhyke Koreoiden välillä on Kwonille täydellinen esimerkki siitä, että kansallisvaltiot ja niiden raja-alueet ovat luonteeltaan keinotekoisia, mutta ne koetaan todellisina.