Science and universities


Developed by the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and launched during the French Presidency of the European Union (January 1–June 30, 2022), the “France Excellence Europa” scholarship program allows students from 26 European Union countries to obtain scholarships to study at the Master’s level in a French institution of higher education.

Science and universities


October the 6th - November the 24th, 2021

L’École nationale d’administration lance la campagne de sélection 2022-2023 des candidats étrangers aux cycles internationaux ainsi qu’à ceux des Instituts régionaux d’administration (IRA).

Science and universities

Penguins facing climate change

Thursday the 21st of October, 2021 17:00

In this online Café scientifique our guest speaker French researcher Antoine Stier will explain us how climate change influence dangerously on the survival of animals, especially penguins, in polar regions.

Science and universities

Sébastien Gadal : Les enjeux de la transition énergétique et le développement territorial de l’Arctique

Thursday the 9th of September, 2021 17:00

Our guest speaker Sébastien Gadal, Professor of Geography in Spatial Analysis and Geomatics at the University of Aix-Marseille University, will give a speech in French about energy transition and territorial development in the Arctic region. His intervention can be followed either at the French Institute in Finland (limited seats for 24 persons; registration in advance) or online.

Science and universities


La plateforme Parcoursup est ouverte pour les demandes d’admission dans les établissements d’enseignement supérieur.

Science and universities

PhD cotutelle grant funded by the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation

A France-Finland joint PhD grant in Mathematics, Physics, Astronomy, Chemistry and Medical chemistry is supported by the Magnus Ehrnrooth Foundation. Applications can be submitted via the Foundation web site : Thesis cotutelle is a mechanism that promotes mobility of a doctoral student while encouraging scientific cooperation between a French and a foreign research team. […]

Science and universities

Voici les 4 lauréates du Prix FINA

Les quatre instituts français de la région nordique (Danemark, Suède, Norvège et Finlande) ont lancé en 2020 le prix French Institute Nordic Award (FINA). Ce prix vise à promouvoir la coopération culturelle et scientifique entre la France et les pays nordiques et à récompenser les réalisations remarquables dans ce domaine.

Science and universities

L´IA et l´apprentissage des langues

Friday the 27th of November, 2020 17:00-18:00

Lors de la Nuit des chercheurs (European Researchers’ Night) nos intervenants, enseignants à l’Université de Turku, viendront nous parler en français de l’Intelligence Artificielle au service de l’apprentissage des langues au travers du projet RoboLang.