French language

French Lunch Break – Autumn 2024

Refresh your French skills during your lunch break!

Are you at an intermediate level in French and want to refresh your language skills, but don’t have much time to dedicate to it? Join us online for our new course, French Lunch Break!

Why participate?

  • Perfect for intermediate levels: this course is deal for those with a basic foundation in French who want to improve their fluency.
  • Convenient and practical: Learn during your lunch break without disrupting your schedule or needing to travel.
  • Short sessions: Compact and effective lessons of 45 minutes, designed to fit into your day.
  • Experienced teachers: Make rapid progress with native and qualified teachers.

Strengths of our classes

  • Dynamic conversations: Enhance your ability to discuss various and current topics.
  • Targeted review: Revisit complex grammar rules and specific points you find challenging.
  • Interactive activities: Engage in language games and captivating debates.
  • Tailored feedback: Receive personalized feedback to improve your skills.

What you will learn

  • Enriched vocabulary: Update and expand your vocabulary with common expressions and specific terms.
  • Pronunciation: Work on the nuances of pronunciation to speak more naturally.
  • Confidence: Develop your oral fluency through regular and structured interactions.

 Join us today!

Don’t let a busy schedule stop you from perfecting your French. Make the most of your lunch break to refresh and enrich your language skills with us!

Ready to start? Click here to enroll now!