
6 questions to get to know Ingrid Buffetaut, the laureate of Septentrionales 2024!

The artistic residency Septentrionales, organized by the French Institutes of the Nordic countries, will begin in August. Here are 6 questions to get to know Ingrid Buffetaut, the 2024 edition laureate, who will soon start her journey through the Nordic countries!

  1. Who are you?

My name is Ingrid Buffetaut, I am a visual artist and scenographer who has been based in Lille for the past two years. Born to a French father and a Chinese mother, the influence of these two cultures can be felt in my art, both in the techniques and the aesthetics of my projects. I studied scenography at the École des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, graduating in 2018. Since then, I have been working as a freelance scenographer and illustrator while also developing a practice in visual arts with a focus on drawing and installations.

  1. What is your image of the Nordic countries?

My first image of the Nordic countries was probably an idealized and clichéd image. I have always felt very appealed to these countries and their landscapes, their culture and the few artists I knew from there: I think of Helene Schjerfbeck and her self-portraits, Vilhelm Hammershøi, Akseli Gallen-Kallela, Olafur Eliasson, and especially Tove Jansson, whose work has surrounded me since childhood. Living in Copenhagen for a year as part of my studies allowed me to truly experience life there and confirm this attraction.

  1. Where do you draw inspiration from when you create?

My inspiration comes from daily life, from banality. I often create starting from an observed phenomenon that I highlight to draw attention to these details that fascinate me but often go unnoticed. It’s a way to valorize the ordinary and question our relationship to the world. I am also very interested in individuals and seek ways to give access to the uniqueness of their gaze.

  1. What motivated you to apply to this programme?

The project I proposed, “Poste Restante,” had been in the back of my mind for a few years, but I hadn’t found the right conditions to realize it. The framework offered by the Septentrionales residency was a perfect match for this project since it’s based on correspondence and travel. The itinerant nature is unique and, in addition to giving full meaning to the project, will allow me to test creative constraints related to economy of means and spontaneity.

  1. What are your expectations for the residency?

I hope to discover the Nordic countries in greater depth and in all their variety. “Poste Restante” being a participatory project, contact with the inhabitants will be very important. I rely on these encounters to give me access to experiences and feelings I might miss if I were traveling as a simple tourist. Finally, I hope to create a lot because these times dedicated to creation, under such privileged circumstances, are precious.

  1. Beyond your artistic practice, what do you like to do?

When I’m not drawing, I spend most of my time reading or knitting. I also love hiking to reach places I would never cross by any other means of transport.


Stay tuned: the program itinerary will soon be revealed!

More information on the programme: